About us
At Sherlock we take pride in offering the best individualized obedience and service dog training programs possible. We are dedicated to serving the needs of our clients each and every day.
Lead Trainer, Rebecca W. Timperley, has been training dogs in obedience for 30 years, service dogs for 20 years and has worked with canine behavioral issues for more than 15 years. With a degree in rehabilitation counseling Rebecca provides an "out of the box" approach to providing adaptive training solutions to fit the individual needs of each client.
Assistant Trainer, Mary Kay Dixon, Has four years of obedience training experience. Mary Kay provides obedience training, pet therapy with the elderly,and assists with service dog training and testing. Mary Kay is always willing to take on any challenge she is given. She is truly our go to person when help is needed.
Security/Program Assistant, Paula K. Timperley, has more than 31 years of law enforcement experience. She helps keeps everything running smooth. Paula provides transportation and security for our trainers when they are on the road. Always willing to help out with kennel responsibilities, She is a vital part of the Sherlock team.